February 16, 2023 | KY-SPIN

[00:00:00] Baylee Hamm: (inspirational music plays)

[00:00:03] Self-determination: what is it? Self-determination is having the ability and ambition to make your own choices and manage your own life. It is about being in charge of your own life, but isn’t quite the same t...

[00:00:00] Baylee Hamm: (inspirational music plays)

[00:00:03] Self-determination: what is it? Self-determination is having the ability and ambition to make your own choices and manage your own life. It is about being in charge of your own life, but isn’t quite the same thing as being independent or self-sufficient. Self-determination requires you to effectively identify and solve problems, set goals, follow plans to reach the goals you’ve set, and take responsibility.

[00:00:29] Self-determination is a skill that must be learned and developed

[00:00:34] Requirements: internal desire for growth and independence. Ability to set goals. Make and follow a plan. Ability to self-advocate.

[00:00:47] What that means: desire for growth and independence. You want to make your own decisions, such as adding a channel to your cable package. You want to understand your disability and how it affects you, such as [00:01:00] needing accommodations to be able to attend.

[00:01:04] What that means: set goals, gather options, decide what you want, know your strengths, know and understand barriers.

[00:01:14] What that means: make a plan, use your strengths, problem solve the barriers. What do you need to achieve your goals? Know the supports you need and how to access them. How long will your plan take? Break it into steps.

[00:01:30] What that means: follow the plan, follow the steps, time, supports, barriers, strengths, plan goals, research, assemble support system, such as a parent, peer, mentor, or teacher.

[00:01:47] Self-advocacy: what is it? Self-advocacy is standing up for yourself to get what you need and want.

[00:01:54] Self-advocacy, what it looks like: telling someone that something doesn’t work for you, [00:02:00] asking for help when you need it.

[00:02:02] You can contact us by phone at (502) 937-6894, by email at spininc@kyspin.com or by website at www.kyspin.com.