June 05, 2020 | Stella Beard

[00:00:00] Stella: Well, hey everyone, it’s Stella Beard again, from Kentucky SPIN. I want to hop on here real quick and talk to you a little bit about something that we’re doing as a staff. A little segment called Act Right, Do Right, what now? So we’re about two months in to this COVID-19 pandemic and there’ve been so many changes that we have had to do, through all of this and had...

[00:00:00] Stella: Well, hey everyone, it’s Stella Beard again, from Kentucky SPIN. I want to hop on here real quick and talk to you a little bit about something that we’re doing as a staff. A little segment called Act Right, Do Right, what now? So we’re about two months in to this COVID-19 pandemic and there’ve been so many changes that we have had to do, through all of this and had to adjust.

And I’m going to be the first to tell you that it hasn’t been easy. There’ve been a lot of things that have been frustrating and disappointing and we have had to really make a lot of changes in our daily lives, to accommodate the governor’s orders and our president’s orders and everything like that.

And I’m not going to sit here and tell ya I’ve agreed with everything, but I am going to tell you that I am trying to do the right thing. And so even though right now, as of May 11th, we are having, it is suggested that we wear masks when we go in public. You know, I’m not going to judge someone that’s not [00:01:00] going to do that, but for me personally, I’m going to do that and my family is going to do that.

We have, my son Clayton has a heart condition, and so we want to be very careful about us going out and doing things so that we’re not, you know bringing something back that could affect him. Just to kind of give you a little example of some of the things we had to make really good choices about was we went through my birthday, which was May the ninth, we went through Mother’s Day, May the 10th and then Clayton’s birthday was May the 11th.

What we had to do is we had to choose to do things differently to celebrate those special occasions. For my birthday, we just kind of hung out. I did have lunch with a friend, but she and I had been together a lot already. On Mother’s Day we ended up just having dinner here at home. And then for Clayton’s birthday we decided to do something different and we had a drive-by birthday.

So we did not want to have people over to our house that had not been here before. But we didn’t [00:02:00] want that day to go unnoticed. So we felt like by doing that, it was the right thing to do. And he actually said after the big birthday celebration that we had, we even had our sheriff come and drive his police car and everyone was honking.

We had a good friend who has a Harley who drove his Harley through, and we made it as special as possible. People made signs, they brought him cards, and so after it was all over and we were sitting at home. You know, opening gifts and stuff. I said, Clayton, what do you think? He goes, mom, it was by far the best birthday ever.

So I feel like we made the right choice on that. So just to enjoy, we’re going to put a little clip on here from that celebration, just to let you see how you can still have fun in the midst of this. And always remember, act right and do the right thing. Have a great day.

Kellie: [00:02:49] Clayton’s surprise drive-by birthday.

[sirens] [honking] Aweeeee. [sirens] [00:03:00] [honking] [motor cycle engine revving]

 oh, I see him.