May 14, 2020 | Kellie Smith

Kellie: [00:00:00] Hey guys, it’s Kellie with Kentucky SPIN again. Wanting to reach out to you again and talk some more about acting right and doing right. So we’re about two months into COVID-19, and things have sure changed. Some of the things that have changed for me, are that I now have a two year old here, 24/7 and that is probably very regular for some of you, it is definitely not for me. ...

Kellie: [00:00:00] Hey guys, it’s Kellie with Kentucky SPIN again. Wanting to reach out to you again and talk some more about acting right and doing right. So we’re about two months into COVID-19, and things have sure changed. Some of the things that have changed for me, are that I now have a two year old here, 24/7 and that is probably very regular for some of you, it is definitely not for me. I’ve had a really hard time adjusting to that. Another thing that I mentioned previously is the self-care techniques that I had, that I used to use, you know, stopped working for me. So then I found some more, and now I can’t do those either. And so I have really struggled with that.

So, that is, you know, kind of what’s different on a negative [00:01:00] note. And what, is new for me on a positive note is that I had to, and I consider it positive, you may not, but I stopped watching the five o’clock governor update. I started getting those via email. It’s a lot less personal for me to read it that way.

I was just being, you know, I was just felt really, just like bogged down by all, and it was like everywhere I turned it was negative, negative, negative, and hard, hard, hard. And so I stopped doing that. And I started getting those updates via email so I can, you know, read through them or scan through them quickly and still get the information that I need to know.

I also have had to really distance myself from social media, because I feel like the atmosphere of this whole thing has changed. It has [00:02:00] once you know, when, when it first started, it was about an illness and people were sick, and now it’s become almost a controversy. And so I’ve had to stay away from social media as much as possible.

But both of those things have worked out really, really well for me. And you may be finding yourself, you know, thinking, okay, so what do I do about this? You know, how am I supposed to feel? Or how am I supposed to react? And the only really solid advice I can give you, is do what’s best for you.

And don’t judge others for doing what’s best for them. And that can look a whole lot of different ways. Like you may be choosing to wear a mask when you go out in public and gloves everywhere you go. I know that it’s definitely recommended. But other people may be choosing not to do that. You may choose to not see [00:03:00] your family, and other people may be choosing to go and visit their family.

So however it is, you do what’s best for you and don’t judge others for doing what’s best for them. We all have to make that decision for ourselves. And that is, not a decision that I think most people take lightly. I think they do take it very seriously, but we cannot judge what is important or critical to someone else.

So we don’t know the means behind people’s actions and we can’t pretend to, so that’s where I leave you today as far as acting right and doing right, is just do what’s best for you and don’t judge others for doing what’s best for them. You guys have a great night and I’ll talk to you soon.