May 28, 2020 | Rhonda Logsdon

[00:00:00] Rhonda: Hi hope all is well, it’s Rhonda with Kentucky SPIN. We wanted to bring you all five more tips to help build partnership.

Number one, be open-minded. Don’t let your past experiences hinder you. The things that we have learned throughout our lives brings us great knowledge, but it can also hinder us. So we’ve got to make sure that when we approach new situations, n...

[00:00:00] Rhonda: Hi hope all is well, it’s Rhonda with Kentucky SPIN. We wanted to bring you all five more tips to help build partnership.

Number one, be open-minded. Don’t let your past experiences hinder you. The things that we have learned throughout our lives brings us great knowledge, but it can also hinder us. So we’ve got to make sure that when we approach new situations, new partnerships, and older partnerships, there may have been some things that didn’t go exactly right. But let’s be open minded and not let that hinder us in future partnership.

Number two. Be flexible, work with one another. The whole idea of partnership is to have a mutual respect for one another and work together. It doesn’t mean we’ll always agree with one another, but we do need to be flexible and have that mutual respect so that we can [00:01:00] build a lasting partnership.

Number three, very important, bring solutions. You know, share ideas that you have. If there is an issue or a concern, share that. Be part of the solution. Because if you’re not part of the solution, you’re going to be part of the problem. And we don’t want that, cause we want this to be an effective partnership, not only for our children, but for everyone else.

And number four. Listen. Now, a lot of times because I’ve, you know, have all the thoughts going in my mind, I want to make sure I remember everything, but when we’re doing that, we’re not really listening to one another good. So really working on being a good listener is key to your partnership as well.

Number five. Ask questions. I’m the one that, not to be annoying, but I ask a lot of questions because I have to fully understand. Don’t be ashamed to [00:02:00] ask a question. There is no wrong question that you could ask. And I’m sure, and what I have found is if you have a question about something, someone else very likely has it too. So don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions because, I do it not to be annoying, but so I can help not only my family better, but your family and professionals throughout the state.

I hope these five more tips to build partnerships helped you and take care and stay safe. Bye bye.